Fun Stuff

Field trips
As a reward for participation in clubs and teams, members are treated to periodic field trips. For many of these kids from poor families, this is their first time to visit some of the highlights of the Puerto Vallarta area.

Movie Night
Each Friday night we fill our multipurpose with chairs, set up the pop-corn machine, turn out the lights and show a popular, youth appropriate movie on our big screen. For many of our kids, this is the closest they’ve ever been to being in a real movie theater.

Teen Night
On Saturday evening we set up the Club as a safe and fun place for teens to hang out with their friends. The multi-purpose room features colorful lights, music, tables and chairs and a space to dance. The swimming pool is open. We organize games of coed volleyball and basketball. Tables are set up for table games and video games.

Pizza, Please!
We operate an on-site pizzeria which is open to our members as well as the general public.

Swimming pool
On weekends we open the pool for public use for a minimum fee.

At various times during the week individuals or organizations may rent our facilities for private events. These typically include birthday parties, pool parties and quincieneras.